Extensions of the UniDocs system improve functionality, help integrate the system with your Microsoft office applications, add the possibility of electronic signature and many other options.
UniDocs is equipped with a subsystem for electronic signing, document stamping with a digital certificate and a smart card, applicable to any document file format.
Electronic signing and eSealing is fully integrated with the document authentication and verification system and supports competitive and independent multiple signing and document authentication. The electronic signature, seal is fully compliant with standards and regulations in this area and ensures a complete check of the validity of the certificate itself.
Every user who needs to sign and stamp documents should have a certificate issued by a certification body, as well as have the certificates of that certification body installed on their computer.
A time stamp can be attached to each electronic signature or seal.
In addition, UniDocs supports the use of the eGovernment service for electronic signing in the cloud for all persons who have an open account on the eGovernment portal of the State of Serbia.
LoadBalance is an extension that allows installation of UniDocs App Server on multiple servers.
LoadBalance measures the workload of all application servers that exist in the system and, by ranking them, directs the user to the Application server with the least number of requests, i.e. with the least load.
The load means the number of users who are connected to a specific application server at the time of the check.
The server with the fewest connected users gets rank 1, the next one gets rank 2, etc. The rank is recorded in the UniDocs database and is used by the Client application to connect to the least loaded application server during startup.
Alarm Client as a special functionality of the UniDocs document management system.
In addition to the basic functionality of alerting the user in the form of sound and text messages about actions that occurred or did not occur on the document in accordance with the action that the user wanted to follow and which is related to the Client module.
Alarm Client works by monitoring the number of documents in the input, working, and output zones of the client application, so that when the user is off-line, i.e. logged out of the Client application receives timely information about the status of the documents he needs to work with.
It also monitors alarms placed over documents as well as changes on bulletin boards. Each subsequent change in the zones (new document, deletion of a document, sending a document...) the alarm will present the user with a sound and text message in the form of a pop-up window in the corner of the screen. According to the set criteria and time period, the alarm will check the state in the client application zones, the state on the bulletin boards and list the alarms (both active and reminders) and will inform about changes with messages.
UniDocs WorkFlow Designer is an independent module, implemented as a Windows desktop program package with a graphical interface for creating and describing business process diagrams according to the BPMN notation standardized by the OGC, which records all data in XPDL, an XML record for describing business processes standardized by the international organization Workflow Management Coalition.
In this way, business process analysts can completely freely analyze solutions within the business system, without any consequences for the current version of the company's operational workflow system. The application is implemented as a graphic tool that is fully compliant with BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation), both in terms of the appearance of graphic symbols and the structure of the definition of business processes, which this standard brings.
The program package enables the analysis, design and reengineering of existing business processes, as well as the direct implementation of the designed processes into the operating system for process management (workflow engine) of various systems, primarily UniDocs.
All defined processes are in XPDL (XML Process Definition Language) format, which is a standard for storing, exchanging and using business process definitions. Process definitions written in this way can be changed indefinitely without affecting the execution system. This means that, during the analysis of business processes, an unlimited number of different versions of diagrams can be created in this way for each of the business processes, until the most optimal variant is found.
The application works independently of the unique database of any company and was developed in accordance with current standards, as a multidocument application, which allows multiple windows with BPMN diagrams to be opened at the same time.
It is very easy and intuitive to use, primarily due to the fact that its user interface and logic incorporate all the recommendations standardized by the OGC through BPMN, as a set of all the best features of notations and methodologies developed and published so far.
The UniDocs program system provides services for import and export (export/import) of documents and supporting data, as well as parameters of developed applications in XML formats of the appropriate specifications.
XML (Extensive Markup Language) represents a standard in the field of data exchange within heterogeneous networks and between different information systems. Most programming systems and development environments are able to easily accept and manage different types of XML specifications, which enables easy and fast integration between disparate information and documentation systems.